Most beauty pageant tips focus on exterior appearance. They will cover how to smile from your eyes and how to walk so you look natural and sophisticated. Yet, what they often neglect to talk about is how your inner thoughts and emotions can affect how you appear on the outside.
Yes, beauty pageant tips are supposedly to be all about beauty and sparkly fashions that glam up even the most ordinary woman, but it is a simple fact that what you are feeling and thinking on the inside will come across to everyone else while you walk the stage. When you go to a chiropractor they may ask if you are under a lot of stress because of the tension or knots that can be felt in your shoulders and back. This is an example of how the emotional workings of our minds can affect our physical bodies.
If you want to smile so everyone at the judge's table is drawn to you and walk as if you are floating on air, you will need your thoughts and emotions to deliver grace and confidence to your face and body. The following beauty pageant tips and tricks will show you how to do just that.
1. Add yoga, Pilates, or meditation to your daily life months before the pageant. This will help you release tension from the body and calm the mind so you are less stressed.
2. Learn deep breathing techniques. If you can learn some simple breathing techniques you can calm your nerves before walking out onto the stage, delivering a more relaxed body that moves more graceful.
3. Come up with positive affirmations. Pinpoint the thoughts that make you worry or doubt your ability to win this pageant and then counteract them with positive affirmations. For instance, if you worry a lot about tripping on stage start telling yourself "I am graceful and can not fall" several times through the day. These beauty pageant tips will help you remain mentally cool so you appear more confident and relaxed on stage.
Source by Taylor Bliss
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