Home FEATURED2 OPINION :: With Washington D.C., Miss World made the right choice

OPINION :: With Washington D.C., Miss World made the right choice

OPINION :: With Washington D.C., Miss World made the right choice

When the seat of American political power was chosen by Miss World to host its 2016 edition, there was that collective eyebrow raising among pageant enthusiasts. What is exactly in Washington D.C. that would prompt the world’s oldest pageant to designate it as the host city?

To be honest, nothing much really. Washington D.C. is not associated with entertainment or glamor. It is famous simply because that is where the world’s most powerful leader resides. Among Americans, it is either viewed favorably as the center of their democracy or viewed negatively as the city of political gridlock.

However, as Miss World reinvents its image from being an entertainment show to a serious charity-driven pageant with emphasis on women empowerment, Washington D.C. is actually a perfect choice. And whether this is the intent or not, the best reason why the city was chosen is, well, Hillary Clinton. Yes, that is right – Hillary Clinton. In November 8, the United States will select its new president and there are two contenders – Hillary and Donald Trump, the firebrand ex-owner of Miss Universe. It is widely believed that, unless the Americans are willing to shoot their own feet, a woman will soon reside in the White House.

With the US elections looming and the prospect of having a woman in the White House getting more likely, Miss World being held at Washington D.C. is a powerful thing. It aptly feeds to the narrative that the pageant is all about empowering women. Miss World has already ditched the swimsuit competition which was once a contentious issue among feminists. The pageant has truly evolved and could easily survive the new century full of progressivism and political correctness. And while Washington D.C. lacks the pizazz, the symbolic image its wields is truly priceless for Miss World.

