Welcome to Missosology! How do you feel right now that you are just a few days away from competing at the Miss International Beauty Pageant?
Hey all Missosology fans!!
I feel so excited, I cant wait to get there and to see one of the most interesting and the biggest cities in the world. I’m looking forward to meet new people from various countries from all over the world with different culture and habits. And first of all I’m happy that I have a chance to get great experience and skills. What is more, I feel an honor to represent my beautiful country internationally.
You are one of the early contestants to be crowned as the Miss International delegate from your country. How have you been preparing for the international competition?
My preparation for the pageant has been nice and especially last few months were interesting and quite busy. But I have to say I really enjoyed it all and felt very special. It may seem very easy when a girl travels to some international contest, however, if you really want to bring the success to your country, you have to think about every little thing. It is like a puzzle, the final picture will look great only with all small parts. And I am really curious how my final “picture” will look like.
What is so unique about Slovakia that you would like people to see in you in Tokyo?
Well…. It is said that Slovak women belong to the most beautiful women in the world. I can only agree with that.
But Slovakians got it more, for sure. We are very hospitable people, very helpful and friendly. Sometimes we care more about the others than ourselves and this is what I really appreciate about people from my country and I hope I am the same.
However, I will not tell you all my secrets of being successful…
What are your future plans and ambition in life?
I’m person who doesn’t make plans for afar future, because I think it still changes and life always brings something you don’t expect or you are not ready for that. But if I think about the near future I would like to stay in modeling and to keep going to work on my singing career, which is my passion and I hope I will have an opportunity to perform also in Tokyo. And of course self-education, that’s really important in life and sometimes it can give you a very good lesson.
Do you believe that beauty pageants are still relevant in today’s society? Why or why not?
It is not just that I believe but I think it is like this. Beauty pageants are still relevant because as we know they are not just about outer beauty but about self-discipline, self-respect, intelligence and about help to the people who really need that, especially help to the children because children are our future and I definitely think this is really preferred and supported at present. People who think beauty pageants are stupid and useless think wrong.
If you become the next Miss International, what will you do with the crown and title?
If I become the next Miss International, I will become the first Slovakian which would be a great success for my little country. I would consider that the jury trusted in me and therefore I would do everything I could to prove I was chosen as a right person and my duty for the upcoming year would be an example for next generation of Miss International winners. I would not like to be only a winner of 2014 that would sooner be forgotten, but a winner that would keep doing and making our world at least a bit brighter.
Finally, why do you think you should be the next Miss International winner?
I think that the next Miss International has to be representative, charismatic and nice person, intelligent as well with language skills, nice behavior and quick response. If is talented it is just a plus. But first of all has to be friendly, polite, humble and human. And never consider herself to be more that the others. Modesty is very important feature, too. Is it me? We will find it out soon. //PROVIDED BY TOMAS HABERL